Weifo Dry Cabinet
Prevent fungi and moulds from destroying your valuable,
inhibits rust and corrosion.
- Standard Digital Dehumidify Cabinet
- equipped with 1 mm galvanised steel
- housing plus 5mm thick glass panel
- Come with lock and key
- Optional temperature display
- RH: 20%-60% +/- 2%
HOT Products
CONTHERM Shelf-Life Determination Chambe
Ideal for long or short term product shelf life determinations
for the pharmaceutical and product packaging industries
- Temperature: 25 to 50oC +/- 0.4oC
- Humidity: 55 to 90%RH +/- 3%RH
- Indirectly heated inner doors of toughened glass
- corrosion-resistant finish on steel exteriors and stainless steel interiors
Kyoritsu Water inspection Solution
- Ion Selective Pack Test for simplfies water inspection
- Digital Water Analyser
Rion Viscotester
The Viscotester is rotary cylindrical viscometers which can be used to measure the viscosity of fluids in a wide range of fields.